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Discover the verdant and sprawling tea plantations of Assam, nestled in the enchanting northeastern region of India

Assam's climate, soil, and rainfall are perfectly suited for cultivating tea. Discover the exquisite Camellia sinensis var. Assamica, a tea plant variety renowned for its robust flavour and generously sized, broad leaves, flourishing in this region.

The history of tea cultivation in Assam can be traced back to the early 19th century, when the British first introduced commercial tea production to the region. Assam has now emerged as one of the largest tea-producing regions in the world, renowned for its unique and strong black teas. Assam's tea estates cover vast landscapes that span thousands of hectares. These estates employ numerous workers who are responsible for plucking the tender tea leaves.


The Assam tea gardens are a breathtaking sight, featuring undulating hills covered in lush green tea shrubs. The tea plantations are managed with great care and attention to detail, ensuring that the tea leaves grow and develop to their fullest potential in terms of both quality and quantity. Skilled workers, often women, carefully select the young and tender leaves and buds for processing by plucking them. To maintain the distinct flavour of the tea, this process demands accuracy and skill, which can be quite laborious.


Assam tea is renowned for its flavorful and robust taste, as well as its vibrant, reddish-brown colour. This tea is renowned for its strong and rich flavour, which makes it a popular option for morning tea and an essential ingredient in blends like English Breakfast and Irish Breakfast teas. Assam tea is highly sought after in both domestic and international markets due to its distinct flavour and strong aroma.


Assam has also witnessed a surge in tea tourism, providing tourists with a chance to immerse themselves in the tea culture and gain a first-hand experience. Tourists can explore the tea estates, observe the plucking and processing of tea leaves, and even take part in tea tasting sessions. Visitors can gain valuable insights into the tea production process through these experiences, which help them appreciate the art and science behind Assam's tea industry.

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